Sprintforms Introduction

Hello there!

Most likely you're seeing this page because your immigration professional has invited you to complete an application using Sprintforms, and you clicked on our logo to find out a bit more about Sprintforms. 

Simply put, Sprintforms is a collaboration tool that lets you and your immigration professional fill in digital immigration forms easily. Any changes you or your professional makes to your immigration forms will appear instantly on the other person's account, and there's no need to worry about losing your progress as your changes are saved automatically!

To get started, sign up using the link provided to you by email, and log in to your dashboard.

Once you log in, you will see a dashboard with the application assigned to you by your professional. You will be 

Hit "Start Application" or "Continue" to begin your immigration form filling! 

Tip: You can exit and come back to your application at any time! You don't have to worry about saving, as all data is automatically saved and stored within our secure servers.

Once you've reached the end of your immigration application, you will be given an option to "Send for Review". Clicking this button will instantly inform your professional that you've finished your application, and it is now ready for their review! They will be in touch if they need further information from you. 

Tip: If you have any questions during filling in your application, please call your professional so they can give you the best advice possible for your case! Their information is usually available on your client dashboard, or on the right hand side of some applications. 

We hope that answers some of your basic questions about Sprintforms! Best of luck on your immigration journey!